
The first time I read the play, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams, I was WAY too young to understand the complexities of the masterpiece in front of me. What I did learn was the word, mendacity. The character Big Daddy seemed to say it at every opportunity. I had to look it up in the dictionary as I didn't want to get in trouble for reading a book from the top shelf, which was off limits to 9 year-olds!

Mendacity simply means lying. I used it on occasion to impress adults with my extensive vocabulary!

Over the years, mendacity has become the word I mutter under my breath, especially when politicians boldly toy with the truth. It also comes in handy when someone is glossing over the truth to save my feelings with a "little white lie".

The word is on the tip of my tongue at the beginning of a New Year more than any other time. The relentless demands in the media about, "New Year, New YOU!" Let me ask you before I continue: what was WRONG with all of us in the year that has passed?! The world tells us we are less than we could be; we could be richer, thinner, smarter, more amazing.

I happen to think that we're all pretty amazing already. Living in 2025 brings challenges we never would have thought of only a few decades ago. Remember when we had to make phone calls to figure out how to program the time on the VCR?!

We are told through advertising that there's always room for improvement: that we shouldn't be satisfied unless we're punishing ourselves in the gym or pushing to accomplish more during each hour of the day. Somehow, it's all about what we produce rather than who we are.

Friends, we get ONE life. Sometimes a daydream is more important than an accomplishment that will be forgotten almost immediately.

The next time someone suggests that you could do better, look better, be more successful...whatever "they" say, here is an image to focus on: look into the distance and see a sign, with blinking lights like on a movie marquee; in the brightest neon shines one word: MENDACITY.

Thank you for spending this time with me,

Lori   xx

P.S. Every joy and Blessing to each of you in this magnificent New Year.  xx

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